Leading off the return series of FSP Featured Poets at the wonderful Halifax Cafe, two of Adelaide’s best known and successful poets, Jill Jones and Thom Sullivan.
Jill Jones has published nine books of poetry, and a number of chapbooks. Her latest books are Breaking the Days (Whitmore Press), and The Beautiful Anxiety (Puncher and Wattmann), which won the 2015 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry. Her work is represented in a number of major anthologies including the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature, The Turnrow Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry and The Penguin Anthology of Australian Poetry. Her poems have been translated into a number of languages including Chinese, French, Czech and Spanish. She is a member of the J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice, University of Adelaide.
Thom Sullivan grew up on a farm in Wistow/Bugle Ranges in the Adelaide Hills. He had a short collection of poems, Airborne, published in FSP New Poets 14 (Wakefield, 2009). Since then he has edited or co-edited seven published books of poetry. Most recently, his poems have appeared in The Best Australian Poems 2014, The Best Australian Poems 2015, Australian Love Poems, and as part of Australian Book Review’s “States of Poetry” series. He was a featured writer at Adelaide Writers’ Week in 2016. Website: thomsullivanpoet.com Twitter: @thomsullivansa.
Come early, stay late, and enjoy the friendly atmosphere, excellent food and a most fitting range of beverages offered by the Halifax Cafe. Support the venues that support poetry!
Poetry goes from about 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Halifax Cafe
187 Halifax St, Adelaide SA 5001.