A Chronicle of Friendly Street’s First Fifty Years – Call for Contributions.

As part of Friendly Street’s fiftieth anniversary year in 2025, we are inviting contributions from past and present members or attendees for a ‘Chronicle’ of recollections about what Friendly Street has meant and provided in ‘human’ terms for those involved over the last half century.

These memories should be in the form of short vignettes, no more than two paragraphs or 500 words long. They can be composed as prose, poetry, or a mixture of both.

The vignette must express each contributor’s sense of a significant memory, anecdote, or reflection on why Friendly Street mattered – whether for them personally or in broader social terms – during the period when they first became involved.

Our aim is to collate approximately fifty such vignettes, covering the full fifty years of Friendly Street so far, organised chronologically by decade. We hope to produce a broad, up-to-date physical memory of Friendly Street that is richly personal and socially minded in scope, to complement both the poetic contributions from members preserved in annual anthologies and the existing historical summaries of Friendly Street’s founding and ongoing significance already provided in publications such as Tuesday Night Live (1993) and Best of Friends (2008).

Contributions can be sent by the form below to Erica Jolly for possible inclusion in this chronicle, including your name, email, postal address and phone number with a statement confirming permission to publish. They can have been read at Friendly Street as part of the three-minute time allocated for members but they CANNOT be submitted (‘in the box’ or online) for the 2025 anthology.

You do not need to be a current member of FSP to contribute a memory.

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