Friday 4 April 2025
Meeting commences at 6:25pm
The Box factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide
This month’s meeting will begin with our 2025 AGM. You must be a current financial member of FSP to take part in the AGM.
There are openings for positions on the Management Committee. If you would like to nominate, follow the instructions on the agenda or send us a message via this link:
Nominate for Committee.
If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to vote via a proxy, please nominate your proxy via a message at this link: Proxy nomination.
You can read or download the AGM Agenda here:
Following the AGM, there will be an Open Mic in the usual format. You must be a member of FSP to submit your poems for consideration for publication in the annual anthology. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details to submit for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.
$5 to read, free to listen.