Ros Schulz poem in “InDaily”
Long standing FSP member, Ros Schulz, has a poem, Another World, in InDaily. You can read it here.
Adelaide Poets Collective – celebrating 50 years in 2025
Long standing FSP member, Ros Schulz, has a poem, Another World, in InDaily. You can read it here.
Here is the link to her two poems in InDaily : Brown Snake Skin Moult and Foxed.
And here is the link to Radio Adelaide’s ‘Gastronaut’ program where you can listen to podcasts of her work, as well as other FSP poets, including Rob Walker.
$25/$15 for the year gives you eligibility for publication in the annual FSP Anthology, competitions, and other FSP activities. Most importantly, your fees are essential in keeping FSP running on only its own resources. For an additional $40/year, you can have a subscription for a full year of door-entry fees.
Enjoy the original work of the Bindii poets, who write haiku, tanka, haibun in English, with a contemporary Australian flavour.
Musicians Munetaka Umehara and Alexander Ask combine Japanese Flute and Didgeridoo in a performance of their unique work: ‘Midsummer Walk’.
A Free Event on Thursday 11 February
6:45 – 8:30 pm
at the Halifax Café at 187 Halifax St, Adelaide
Meals, Snacks and Beverages available to purchase
You are welcome to come from 5:30 to enjoy a meal before the event
Bookings preferred: