FSP Meetings at the Box Factory in 2017

Thank you everyone who took part in the survey to determine the best time to have FSP City Open Mic meetings at the Box Factory. We ended up with 49 responses, which is a really good rate of return. Most of you are pretty flexible, but the strongest preference was for the 1st Monday of the month, notwithstanding the occasional public holiday then.

Therefore, the remaining 2017 City Meetings at the Box Factory will be on:

Monday 3rd April

Monday 1st May

Monday 12th June (2nd Monday, the 1st is already booked)

Monday 3rd July

Monday 7th August

Monday 4th September

Monday 9th October (2nd Monday, the 1st is the long weekend)

Monday 6th November

Monday 4th December.Click for more

2017 FSP Anthology editors

FSP is pleased to announce that the editors for the FSP Anthology 42 are long-time members and contributors, Ros Schulz and Karl Cameron-Jackson.

Any poem read at an FSP event is eligible for selection in the Anthology, but you must be a financial member! Make sure you bring along two copies of your poem, with your contact details (name, email, phone number, address) clearly added to your copy.


2017 FSP Memberships due!!

FSP memberships run on a calendar year, so they are due now. Membership are the primary source of income for FSP, so if you attend FSP events, please consider joining up, so that the FSP event and publication programs can continue to flourish. Only FSP members are eligible to be included in the annual FSP Anthologies.

There are several membership options including discounts for regional groups and pre-paid annual subscriptions for the City Meetings. Click here for more details, including downloadable membership forms.