New books by Rob Walker and Jules Leigh Koch

FSP regulars rob walker and Jules Leigh Koch have had new poetry books launched recently by Mike LaddMike’s launch speeches for each have been published on Rochford Street ReviewClick on the links below to read them:

rob walker Original Clichés (Ginnindera Press)

jules leigh koch Stripping Wallpaper from the Sky (Interactive Press)

Thanks to Martin Christmas and Cary Hamlyn for the pix.

Kate Deller-Evans

Kate Deller-Evans 1

With much sadness, we report our inspirational colleague and friend, Kate Deller-Evans, died peacefully on the 6th August 2016 from the consequences of breast cancer. Kate was a marvellous poet, writing with a high level of craft, wit and perceptive insight about the things that matter to our lives, no matter how small or large. She had an extensive involvement in FSP as well as the broader Adelaide writing scene, as a poet, editor, historian, and mentor. She published several books of poetry, including FSP New Poets Seven: Travelling with Bligh  and, with her husband, Steve Evans, wrote the definitive history of Friendly Street Poets, Best of Friends: the first thirty years of the Friendly Street Poets. Click for more