Welcome new Committee Member, Margaret Clark
FSP is very pleased to welcome long-time member and former Anthology editor, Margaret Clark, to the Management Committee.
Adelaide Poets Collective – celebrating 50 years in 2025
FSP is very pleased to welcome long-time member and former Anthology editor, Margaret Clark, to the Management Committee.
You are invited to the launch of FSP member Valerie Volk‘s new book Of Llamas and Piranhas published by Ginninderra Press.
Wednesday, 20th September, 2017
West Torrens Auditorium
(via Hamra Centre Library Entrance)
1 Brooker Terrace (corner of Sir Donald Bradman Drive), Hilton.
RSVP essential by Friday 15th September to Valerie:
8376 6655 / vjvolk[at]gmail[dot]com
If you are unable to make it, you can buy Valerie’s new book (and her others!) from her website: www.valerievolk.com.au
Following the recent FSP AGM, the Management Committee for 2017 consists of:
with valuable input from:
and FSP Annual Anthology #42 editors:
Big thanks to out going Treasurer, David Harris, and 2016 Anthology #41 editors, Edie Eicas and David Harris.
FSP regular, Sue O’Brien has three more poems in InDaily.
Click here to read Hail, Dusk and After The Eclipse.
Pic courtesy of Martin Christmas.
Congratulations to long-standing FSP member, David Adès, who has a new book of poetry out: Afloat in Light produced by the prestigious University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP).
David now lives in Sydney, having returned to Australia recently after several years in Pittsburgh, USA. He hopes to visit Adelaide again later this year.
David Adès’ luminous and honest collection, Afloat in Light, is chiefly a celebration of fatherhood and of paying attention, utilising Simone Weil’s notion that ‘attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity’. The collection extends to existence and loss, and a discourse on motive and meaning.… Click for more