FSP 2025 Annual General Meeting and April Open Mic

This month’s meeting will begin with our 2025 AGM. You must be a current financial member of FSP to take part in the AGM.

There are openings for positions on the Management Committee. If you would like to nominate, follow the instructions on the agenda or send us a message via this link:
Nominate for Committee.

If you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to vote via a proxy, please nominate your proxy via a message at this link: Proxy nomination.… Click for more

FSP March City Meeting and Open Mic

All welcome!

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet.
Free to listen.

Everyone welcome!

You must be a member of FSP to submit your poems for consideration for publication in the annual anthology. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details to submit for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.

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A Love In! FSP 50th Anniversary Celebration – call out for readers

To celebrate us and those older poets who make up our rich history, the 7th November 2025 FSP City Meeting will follow a special format at the usual Box Factory venue.

30 volunteer poets are invited to read any poem by any poet from any FSP Reader or Anthology prior to number 30 along with a short biography of that poem’s author. The reader cannot read one of their own poems from these anthologies. However, they can read ONE poem of their own for consideration for 2025’s anthology. There will be no open mic.

Suggestions are now open and will be curated by David Cookson, on a first come, first served basis.… Click for more

A Chronicle of Friendly Street’s First Fifty Years – Call for Contributions.

As part of Friendly Street’s fiftieth anniversary year in 2025, we are inviting contributions from past and present members or attendees for a ‘Chronicle’ of recollections about what Friendly Street has meant and provided in ‘human’ terms for those involved over the last half century.

These memories should be in the form of short vignettes, no more than two paragraphs or 500 words long. They can be composed as prose, poetry, or a mixture of both.

The vignette must express each contributor’s sense of a significant memory, anecdote, or reflection on why Friendly Street mattered – whether for them personally or in broader social terms – during the period when they first became involved.… Click for more

Poem of the Month – November 2025 – Rob Ferris

The Poem of the Month for November 2024, selected by 2024 Anthology editors Ivan Rehorek (Avalanche) and Martha Landman, is Rime of the Ancient Surfer by Rob Ferris. The commended poems are sail by Rory Harris,  Stop at red light by Martin Christmas and an own table by Geoffrey Atkin.

Rime of the Ancient Surfer
Rob Ferris

At 75, the long board could be
a stretcher
but here you are
paddling gamely with
rubber clad old sticks
for arms
seeming to hold your own
until Poseidon frowns
at your presumption
and breaks one on your head.… Click for more

FSP December City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 2nd December, 2024
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

All welcome!

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet.
Free to listen.

This is our final meeting for 2024 and your last chance to submit poems for the next FSP poetry anthology!

You must be a member of FSP to submit your poems for consideration for publication in the annual anthology. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details to submit for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.

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