FSP City Meeting & Open Mic: Tuesday 4th October, 2016

All welcome! Come along and read or just listen.

Open mic, 3 minutes per reader. All members’ poems are eligible for publication in the next annual anthology.

South Australian Writers’ Centre Atrium, Tuesday 4th October, 2016.

Doors open at 6:00 pm to sign up for readings in two sessions.

First session: 6:30 – 7:30 pm; Second session: approx. 8:00 – 9:30 pm.

$5 entry. If you’re not a member, join up on the night.

Remember that if you are not a paid up member, you’ll drop off the FSP email list and you will not be eligible for inclusion in the annual anthology.… Click for more

Gala Launch of Anthology #40 – Nova and Satura Prize winners

Front Cover of Anthology

The FSP June City Meeting was devoted to the launch of Friendly Street Poets Anthology 40 “Many Eyes, Many Voices” edited by Murray Alfredson and Margaret Clark and launched by FSP founding member, Richard Tipping.


The Nova Prize for best poem by a poet not previously published in an FSP anthology went to Bruce Greenhalgh for his poem, in the wake of  e e cummings.

The Satura Prize for best poem in the anthology went to Eileen Barker for her poem Courage.