Poem of the Month – June 2023 – Jules Leigh Koch

The Poem of the Month for June 2023, selected by 2023 Anthology Editors, Maria Vouis and Rob Ferris, is 5.45am Sydney by Jules Leigh Koch. The commended poems for June are unpredicted by Geoff AitkenBlackbird by Martha Landman  and The Baby Locket by Cary Hamlyn.

5.45am Sydney
Jules Leigh Koch

at an intersection
a few wax-work figures
while traffic-lights juggle three
coloured balls
                       in slow motion

the short life span of dawn
is emptying out
all about me
            it’s not a new day

for the homeless
queueing outside
the Salvos’ soup kitchen

in an alleyway
where the twisted body of sunlight

is climbing a fire escape
one step
                       at a time

I put the space-junk of my thoughts
                                                on pause
and as I drive through the fault-line
of the city

another pedestrian is swallowed
by the subway

Geoff Aitken

it fell today

the idea

that the ocean
was just a cloud

shaking out
its wrinkles

in late rain.… Click for more

Poem of the Month – May 2033 – Jacqui Merckenschlager

The Poem of the Month for May 2023, selected by 2023 Anthology Editors, Maria Vouis and Rob Ferris, is This Empty Space by Jacqui Merckenschlager. The commended poems for May are Lost for Words by Virgil Concalves, Old Lady on the Cliff by Pat Lee  and Sister (excerpt) by Rory Harris.

This Empty Space
Jacqui Merckenschlager

Afterwards, after the weeping, the remembering,
love and laughter trickled into the void.
This empty space was flooded
by family and friends
and a sunshower sparkled on the wattles.

Afterwards they all went back to distant places,
silence and emptiness slipped through cracks
and hid amongst his clothes
and lurked between his books and tools,
while rosellas sipped nectar from the bluegums.… Click for more

FSP July City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 3rd July, 2023
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet

Add your name to the reading list on the night if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details if you want them considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.

The meeting will be held under current COVID-19 safety plans as required.

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FSP June City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 5th June, 2023
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet

Add your name to the reading list on the night if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details if you want them considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.

The meeting will be held under current COVID-19 safety plans as required.

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Poem of the Month – April 2023 – David Cookson

The Poem of the Month for April 2023, selected by 2023 Anthology Editors, Maria Vouis and Rob Ferris, is Musings on a Chinese Scroll by David Cookson. The commended poems for April are The Old Horns by Ivan Rehorek aka Avalanche and The Piano by Louise Nicholas.

Musings on a Chinese Scroll
David Cookson

Impossible cliffs thrust
into broad-brush clouds,
their conifers clawing naked rock
bereft of bird or life
until bottom left, a sage,
crossing a bridge,
hat, sandals and staff:
five brush strokes
that touch perfection —
remind of other complements;
a curve of throat,
misty crags,
your lips, parted,
just enough,
just before.… Click for more

FSP Anthology 47 launch and order form

FSP is excited to announce that Anthology 47 was officially launched by in-coming Convenor, Sue O’Brien, at the monthly meeting on 1 May 2023.

Edited by Veronica and David Cookson, the anthology’s title, beyond the bend … , takes its name from a line in Torbay by contributing poet, Sharon Foulkes. The collection of over 100 poems thrilled the judges, Jacqui and Max Merckenschlager, who were at the launch to meet the winning and commended poets. … Click for more