New work from Pat Lee

A regular FSP member since 2012, Pat Lee has just released a new collection of her work Nudge The Morning, published by Ginninderra Press. One of the poems from her collection, One December Afternoon, also was published in InDaily.

‘Pat Lee’s poetry often reflects her respect and reverence for the things of the natural world. She has an artist’s eye for landscape and a Wordsworthian ability to paint it in lyric poetry. Many of her images and word choices have an inevitability about them, a surety that is enviable. Hers is a poetic voice that is true and trustworthy.’Click for more

U3A Anthology Launch, 21st October 2016



 Adelaide U3A Writers Workshop cordially invites you to join them for the launch of their fifth anthology of work: Out of the Box 5

1 – 3 pm, 21 October, 2016

Room 4 at The Box Factory, 59 Regent St South, Adelaide.  

This anthology is the largest and most diverse collection of members’ work we have published and will be on sale on the day for $8.00. It will launched by U3A President, Jim Wilson. There will be food, wine and readings for the enjoyment of all. Attendance is free.

New books by Rob Walker and Jules Leigh Koch

FSP regulars rob walker and Jules Leigh Koch have had new poetry books launched recently by Mike LaddMike’s launch speeches for each have been published on Rochford Street ReviewClick on the links below to read them:

rob walker Original Clichés (Ginnindera Press)

jules leigh koch Stripping Wallpaper from the Sky (Interactive Press)

Thanks to Martin Christmas and Cary Hamlyn for the pix.

Gala Launch of Anthology #40 – Nova and Satura Prize winners

Front Cover of Anthology

The FSP June City Meeting was devoted to the launch of Friendly Street Poets Anthology 40 “Many Eyes, Many Voices” edited by Murray Alfredson and Margaret Clark and launched by FSP founding member, Richard Tipping.


The Nova Prize for best poem by a poet not previously published in an FSP anthology went to Bruce Greenhalgh for his poem, in the wake of  e e cummings.

The Satura Prize for best poem in the anthology went to Eileen Barker for her poem Courage.