Poem of the Month – July 2022 – Louise Nicholas
The Poem of the Month for July 2022, selected by 2022 Anthology Editors, Veronica and David Cookson, is Workshop by Louise Nicholas. The commended poems for July are symmetry by Geoff Atkin and Liquid Golden Days by Fred Willet.
Louise Nicholas
This isn’t the room where TS Eliot watched the women
come and go as they brought him tea, the post, a sheaf
of readers’ reports. It isn’t the room from which he launched
Hughes and Plath, stamped out Orwell like a spot fire
in dry grass. Nor is the roof above this room the one
on which he took his turn on fire watch during the Blitz,
the red glow of a Woodbine keeping pace with his footsteps
back and forth.… Click for more