Gala Launch of Anthology #40 – Nova and Satura Prize winners

Front Cover of Anthology

The FSP June City Meeting was devoted to the launch of Friendly Street Poets Anthology 40 “Many Eyes, Many Voices” edited by Murray Alfredson and Margaret Clark and launched by FSP founding member, Richard Tipping.


The Nova Prize for best poem by a poet not previously published in an FSP anthology went to Bruce Greenhalgh for his poem, in the wake of  e e cummings.

The Satura Prize for best poem in the anthology went to Eileen Barker for her poem Courage.

FSP 40th Birthday / Anthology Celebration @ Halifax Cafe

Interesting times indeed, on November 11th, 1975, when a gathering of Adelaide poets took place at the Sim Choon fireworks factory in Union Street, Adelaide. After forty years of regular poetry readings in city, suburban and country areas, thousands of poems published, the occasional controversy and metaphorical firework, Friendly Street Poets remains alive and well, providing both a venue and an audience for poets.

Following the Gala Launch of FSP Anthology 40 at the SA Writers’ Centre (Tuesday, 7th June),

on Wednesday 8th June,

FSP will host a special

Open Mic and Celebration

at the Halifax Cafe, 187 Halifax Street, Adelaide,

beginning at 6:30pm.Click for more

FSP Featured Poet Series @ The Halifax Cafe, 25th May 2016: Jill Jones & Thom Sullivan


Leading off the return series of FSP Featured Poets at the wonderful Halifax Cafe, two of Adelaide’s best known and successful poets, Jill Jones and Thom Sullivan.

Jill Jones has published nine books of poetry, and a number of chapbooks. Her latest books are Breaking the Days (Whitmore Press), and The Beautiful Anxiety (Puncher and Wattmann), which won the 2015 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Poetry. Her work is represented in a number of major anthologies including the Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian LiteratureThe Turnrow Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry and The Penguin Anthology of Australian PoetryClick for more

Poem of the Month: April 2016

Nigel Ford: regional events

The FSP Poem of the Month selected from the April readings by editors Edie Eicas and David Harris is Screaming At The Ceiling by Nigel Ford.

Screaming At The Ceiling

I’m standing in the middle of the room
fists clenched
muscles tensed
unable and unwilling
to stop myself screaming at the ceiling
in my frustration at the unfairness of it all
not knowing which way my divided loyalties should fall
with my Mum under an imminent death sentence
and my daughter so very heavily pregnant.
Do I stay or do I go?
I’ve got no idea, I just don’t know.

Click for more