FSP Anthology 44 Launch & Open Mic – UPDATE

FSP Anthology 44 “Kaleidoscope“, edited by Valerie Volk and Nigel Ford, will be launched on:

Monday, 7th September, 2020
Doors open from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide

Thank you to all the people who have pre-registered their intent to come. We have now reached the maximum number of allowed attendees. Therefore:

•• We are no longer accepting preregistrations.
•• If you turn up on the night, and you have not pre-registered, you may not be admitted to the meeting if we have already reached, or are likely to reach, our permitted maximum number of attendees.

The launch will feature the announcements of the Satura and Nova Prize winners.

There also will be an Open Mic with the usual conditions: no more than 3 minutes total per reader and bring along two hard copies of your poems for submission to the next Anthology.

Copies of Anthology 44 will be available for sale on the night for $20. They also will be available on-line after the launch.

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we will be required to operate under a COVID-19 safety plan which includes social distancing with a corresponding impact on the total number of people who can attend the meeting. This means that a maximum of 42 people can attend.

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