Submissions for Single Poet 2021 now open

Friendly Street Poets is pleased to announce that submissions for Single Poet 2021 are now open.

Each volume in the Single Poet series publishes a full-length collection of poems from a poet who has not yet published such a collection.

Please read carefully the following information regarding eligibility, presentation format, and the selection process. Any entries which fail to comply with these submission guidelines will be disqualified.

When you are ready, submit your manuscript via the form below. Submissions will only be accepted via this form.

Submissions close at midnight, Monday, 14th June, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted.

Criteria for Eligibility

  • Entry is open to South Australian residents only.
  • Subject to the exception below, entry is only open to poets who have not had a collection of poetry published or under consideration for publication by any publisher.
  • Chapbooks less than 35 pages are exempted.

Format and Presentation

  • The title of the manuscript must appear on the title page.
  • The name of the poet must not appear anywhere in the body of the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts cannot include an acknowledgment page detailing previous publication of the poems. If your manuscript is selected, you will be asked to supply such details later.
  • The work must be formatted on A4 pages with 5cm side margins. Use a clear readable 12 point font. 30 lines maximum per page, including titles and line breaks.
  • Manuscripts must a minimum of 75 pages of poetry. Poets can enter more than 1 poem per page to allow for haiku, quatrains and other short poetry forms. There MUST be at least 2 line-breaks between poems on the same page, and including subsequent titles. Pages must be numbered. 
  • The manuscript must be submitted in MS Word .doc or .docx format or as a PDF file via the submission form below.


  • No member of the Friendly Street Poets Inc. Committee will be involved in the selection of manuscripts. An outside assessor will be appointed by that Committee.
  • The manuscripts will be blind judged. The Judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Should no manuscripts of publishable standard be received, the Committee reserves the right to take any of the following actions: cancel publication of the Single Poet volume; defer publication until a manuscript of publishable standard is received; widen the eligibility criteria; or call for further submissions. However, as judging must take place before these decisions are made, there will be no refund of entry fees.


  • All poets who submit an entry will be invited to attend the August meeting of Friendly Street Poets Inc. where the names of those poets chosen for publication will be announced. 
  • All poets will receive official notification by email and a copy of the Judge’s general report about the entries.
  • The poet chosen for publication will receive a brief written report about their manuscript from the Judge.

Editing and Publication

The poet chosen for publication agrees to work expeditiously with the Friendly Street Poets Inc Publishing Editor to meet all deadlines related to the editing and publication of Single Poet 21.

Launch Date of Publication & Benefits for the Poets

  • Single Poet 2021 will be launched in October 2021 in conjunction with the New Poets 22.
  • The poet in the book will receive $250 prize money (royalties paid in advance) and 2 copies of the publication.
  • The poet has the option to purchase further copies at $12.00 each to sell, with the profits made by the poet selling the Single Poet 2021 books kept by that poet.
  • Any proceeds from selling Single Poet 2021 books sold by FSP will be kept by FSP.

An entry fee of $40 must be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer to FSP:
BSB # 105-090
Account # 347 509 340

Poets MUST enter SP21, their surname and initials on the electronic payment.

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