Eastwood/Hills Fellowship of Australian Writers Literary Competitions 2025

Two poetry competitions of interest to FSP members are now open. Although based in NSW, anyone can enter. See below for guidelines and links.


Closing Date: 15th May, 2025

 All categories – Open Theme

Category 1: Flash Fiction
Max 500 words. First Prize $150, Second Prize $50

Category 2: Philippa Holland Award for Poetry 
Includes all forms of poetry except Bush Poetry (see separate Boree Log competition below)
Max 80 lines per poem. First Prize $150, Second Prize $50

Category 3: Alan Russell Award for Memoir
Max 1,500 words. First Prize $150, Second Prize $50

Category 4: Short Story.Click for more

New Poets 25 launch

Ern Malley
137 Magill Road, Stepney, SA 5069

Pre drinks at 6.00pm
Launch starts at 6.45pm

Come and join the winners of the New Poets 25 competition for the launch of their book with new collections from
Vicky Ireland: Orange Oceans
Robbie Lennard: Shermika
phil saunders: Foundlings not Lost

Copies of the book will be available on the night.

Light refreshments and alcohol available.

The event will be MCd by Nigel Ford, Convenor of Friendly Street Poets.

Launch of Anthology 48 – Mimesis – and Satura Prize winning poem.

Friendly Street Anthology 48 – Mimesis, was launched on Monday, 5th Augus, 2024, at the Box Factory in Adelaide to a full house. Judge Mike Ladd, a founding member of Friendly Street Poets, a widely published poet and former producer of ABC’s Radio National programme Poetica, awarded the  Satura Prize to Helen Hutton for Going Home, a poem which addresses the insidious and socially silent crime of Domestic Violence but which is finally in the social and literary zeitgeist. Helen also won the Satura Prize last year for her poem, For Grace, in Anthology 47, Round the Bend, edited by Veronica and David Cookson.… Click for more

New Poets 24 and Single Poet 2023 launched!

New Poets 24 Peter Mahoney, Helen Hutton and Nigel Ford; New Poets 24 judge Jude Aquilina; SIngle Poets 2023 judge Steve Evans; SIngle Poet 2023 gareth roi jones 

New Poets 24 and Single Poet 2023 were officially launched at a great night on 30 October 2023 to a capacity crowd of 80 people at the Q on Hallett. The launch celebrated the collective works of New Poets 24 Nigel Ford (My Father’s Son), Helen Hutton (Stepping on Shadows) and Peter Mahoney (Facebook Poems) as well as the solo collection for Single Poet 2023 gareth roi jones (Selected Poems 1992-2022). Click for more

New Poets 24 and Single Poet 2023 winners!

FSP is pleased to announce the winners of New Poets 24 and Single Poet 2023 competitions.


Judge: Jude Aquilina

The three winners are:
Facebook Poems by Peter Mahoney
Stepping on Shadows by Helen Hutton
My Father’s Son by Nigel Ford

From the Heart by Susan Thrun Willett

Special Mention
Save Changes to Normal by Stef Rozitis
Murder, Mayhem and More by Fred Willett


Judge: Steve Evans

Selected Poems (1992-2022) by gareth roi jones

The Pilgrimage by Claire-Louise Watson
Eclectica by Veronica Cookson

Thank you to the judges for both competitions.… Click for more

FSP August 2023 City Meeting – Open Mic and announcing winners of the New Poets and Single Poet competitions

Monday, 7th August, 2023
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet

To begin this meeting, the winners of the New Poets 24 and the Single Poet 2023 competitions will be announced by the respective judges.

Add your name to the reading list on the night if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details if you want them considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.

The meeting will be held under current COVID-19 safety plans as required.… Click for more