New Poets 23 winners announced!

We are delighted to announce that the winning submissions for New Poets 23 have been selected. 

Congratulations to winners:
Stephy Kate Dewan for Little Closed Openings;
Shaine Melrose for Shooting Words From My Soul;
Heather Nimmo for The Sun Came Up.

Highly commended submissions were received from Stef Rozitis for Goon of Fortune and Claire Watson for A Glimpse of Light.

Congratulations to our winning and highly commended poets as well as all the poets who put in the time and effort to make a submission.

We look forward to launching New Poets 23 at a date to be announced.

Order our latest FSP publications on-line

You can now order the latest publications from FSP on-line using the form below. Please note that we do not have the capability for on-line payments so you need to do an electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Using this form you can order:
Q: FSP Anthology 46
Lament by Michele St. Yves
New Poets 22 by Veronica Cookson, Rob Ferris & Susan O’Brien.

All books are $20 each plus postage.

If there are other specific titles you are after, please make a request in the “Special Instructions” section of the form. We will set-up links for some other titles still in stock soon.… Click for more

Friendly Street Anthology 45 Prizes

Two poems from each volume of the Friendly Street Poets annual anthology are selected for special commendation. The following notes from the judge for Anthology 45, Thom Sullivan, explain, and the poems themselves are featured for your reading pleasure. 

From THE REPORT OF THE JUDGE – Thom Sullivan

As to the Satura Prize, awarded to the author of the best poem in each Friendly Street anthology, the poems that gave me most pause for thought were Maria Vouis’ Woman is the Cow of the World, Belinda Broughton’s Changing Colours, and Phil Saunders’ Burnt. But the poem that was the standout for me, and the winner of the Prize, was Maria Vouis’ Sepia apama: a poem full of colour and chaos, music and metaphor, glorifying the cuttlefish.… Click for more

FSP Big Book Launch #1: change of venue!

Tonight’s launch has had to to be moved to the Halifax Cafe… !

Friendly Street Poets Inc. is proud to launch two great new books:

New Poets 22 featuring Veronica Cookson, Rob Ferris and Sue O’Brien

Lament by Michèle Saint-Yves

Monday, 25th October, 2021
6:00pm for 6:30pm

Halifax Cafe
187 Halifax Street, Adelaide

COVID restrictions mean that our numbers are restricted. The poets can each invite a limited number of guests, leaving only 44 spots for others wishing to attend. If you are not one of those nominated by the poets, you will need to register ASAP using the form below.… Click for more

FSP 2021 competition certificates

The Friendly Street Poets reading for September saw the awarding of certificates to writers who had been successful in the 2021 competitions for publication of their collections, due soon.

Left to right here, we have Nigel Ford (Highly Commended twice, New Poets 22 ), Susan O’Brien and Veronica Cookson (both Winners, New Poets 22), Michèle Saint-Yves (Winner, Single Poet), and Shaine Melrose (Highly Commended, Single Poet).

Unable to attend were: Rob Ferris (Winner, New Poets 22), Claire-Louise Watson (Highly Commended, New Poets 22), and Gaetano Aiello (Highly Commended, Single Poet).

Congratulations to all of you – and we look forward to the launch of both titles on 25th October: more details to come.… Click for more

New Poets 22 and Single Poet 2021 winners!

Besides its annual anthologies, Friendly Street Poets has a long (and, yes, proud) history of bringing the work of emerging poets to a keen readership. 

Independent and blind judging has given the results for the books that will appear in 2021 in the New Poets 22 (featuring three poets, as usual) and Single Poet volumes. The Winning and Highly Commended entries are: 

New Poets 22

Legacy – Veronica Cookson 
The Butterfly Defects – Rob Ferris 
Valley Fleurieu – Susan O’Brien 

Highly Commended
A Hapless Romantic – Nigel Ford  
Life Poet – Nigel Ford
A Glimpse of Light – Claire-Louise Watson  

Single Poet 2021

Lament  – Michele M.… Click for more