FSP August City Meeting, Open Mic & announcement of FSP New Poets 22 & Single Poet 2021 winners CANCELLED

Monday, 2nd August, 2021
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

We regret to tell you that the August reading (2nd August) in the Box Factory has to be cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. 

We would have to abide by limits required by the Adelaide City Council that are even lower than those indicated by the State Government, and which make the reading unworkable.

In addition to the Open Mic, we will announce the winners of the New Poets 22 and Single Poet 2021 competitions

For the Open Mic, there is a 3 minutes maximum time per reader.Click for more

Submissions for Single Poet 2021 now open

Friendly Street Poets is pleased to announce that submissions for Single Poet 2021 are now open.

Each volume in the Single Poet series publishes a full-length collection of poems from a poet who has not yet published such a collection.

Please read carefully the following information regarding eligibility, presentation format, and the selection process. Any entries which fail to comply with these submission guidelines will be disqualified.

When you are ready, submit your manuscript via the form below. Submissions will only be accepted via this form.

Submissions close at midnight, Monday, 14th June, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted.… Click for more

Submissions for New Poets 22 now open

Friendly Street Poets is pleased to announce that submissions for New Poets 22 are now open.

Each volume in the New Poets series publishes short collections of poems from three poets who have not yet published a collection of poetry.

Please read carefully the following information regarding eligibility, presentation format, and the selection process. Any entries which fail to comply with these submission guidelines will be disqualified.

When you are ready, submit your manuscript via the form below. Submissions will only be accepted via this form.

Submissions close at midnight, Monday, 14th June, 2021.
Late submissions will not be accepted.… Click for more

New Poets 21 now available

FSP New Poets 21 featuring collections of poems by Mark Ritchie, Tarla Kramer, and Doug Jacquier is now available for purchase. Get a copy for $20 at any FSP meeting or order a copy on-line via the form below.

Click for more

New Poets 21 launch

Monday, 26th October, 2020.

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA, 5000.

FSP is excited to announce the winners of the New Poets 21 competition, as judged by Kaye Aldenhoven, and launch their poetry collections in this new publication from FSP. Kaye will be flying in from Darwin especially for the event.

According to our COVID-Safe plan, up to 27 people can register to attend and celebrate with the New Poets and their personal guests, and to be among the first to purchase a copy of the book. New Poets 21 will also be available to buy online immediately it has been launched.… Click for more