SAETA 2018 Young Writers Award

The South Australian English Teachers Association is again hosting the 2018 Young Writers Award.

Entrants can be from Reception to Year 12 and can submit poetry or prose up to 1000 words in length. Entry is free and closes on Friday 18th May, 2018.

Click on the following link for full details of the competition, including the Terms and Conditions: 2018 Young Writers Award


New Poets 19: Call for Submissions

FSP is excited to announce that we again will be publishing collections of poems from previously unpublished poets in our New Poets series.

Submissions are now open for New Poets 19.

Entry is open to South Australian residents only. Entry is only open to poets who have not had a collection of poetry published or under consideration for publication by any publisher.

Manuscripts must contain 26 pages of poetry.

Entries close Friday 6th April, 2018.

Entry fee: $30.

For full details of the rules, submission requirements and entry form, click here for PDF format and here for MS Word format.… Click for more

2017 Goolwa Poetry Cup triumph!

The 2017 Goolwa Poetry Cup was another massive event, with 20 contestants and a near-packed house at The Distillery. The standard was extraordinarily high, supported by an appreciative audience. Congratulations to winner, Sarah-Jane Justice who collected the $1000 First Prize; Tailor Winston, Second Prize ($200); the other Finalists: Brendan De Paor-Moore, Chiara Gabrielli, Emelia Haskey, Keith MacNider, Sarah Pearce, Caroline Reid,  and  Maria Vouis ($50 prize each). Also congratulations to People’s Choice, Matcho Cassidy ($100); and the two juniors, Winner Keenan Drake ($50) and runner-up Flynn Turley ($30).

Huge thanks to organiser and MC, Nigel Ford; judges, Jude Aquilina, Clara Rosetta Santilli Ian Gibbins; guest poet, Mike Riddle; the sponsors, including the Alexandrina Council, Phillip Bonner and Nigel Ford; the venue, The Distillery; and the audience.… Click for more

FSP Anthology #41 Launch

FSP Anthology 41: Worlds in Words, edited by Edie Eicas and David Harris, was launched by Mike Ladd at the Box Factory on 12th June to much acclaim.

The Satura Prize for best poem in the Anthology was awarded to Cary Hamlyn for Ultrasound in B-flat.

The Nova Prize for best poem in the Anthology by a previously unpublished poet was awarded to Inez Marrasso for No Boundaries.

Congratulations to the prize winners and everyone who has been published in the Anthology!


Nova Prize 2016: “in the wake of e e cummings” by bruce greenhalgh

The Nova Prize is awarded by the Anthology editors to the best poem by a poet who has not been previously published in an FSP anthology. This year’s winner is in the wake of e e cummings by bruce greenhalgh.

in the wake of e e cummings by bruce greenhalgh

what no punctuation he cried
without an exclamation mark
without quotation marks
hovering over his words

but words remain
and fall like rain
from grey verbose clouds
onto grey receptive roads
at first the worddrops make
distinct marks
then patterns
then spreading like gossip
they join together
and whole discussions tumble along gutters

and dive noisily
into the mouths of drains

while i’m…
i’m feeling lower case
splashing iambic feet through prolix puddles

as conversation forms on cooling windows
i peer into a distance obscured
by the mists of cliché
and feeling a non sequitur coming on
i take a line break
to consider the meteorology of enjambment
the syntax of clouds
full stop