FSP May City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 3rd May, 2021
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

3 minutes maximum time per reader. All poems read by members will be eligible for submission to the next Anthology. You can bring along two hard copies to submit on the night or you can submit via the on-line form below.

You no longer need to pre-register for the meeting but you will need to check in with a QR code or sign-in according to the COVID-19 safety plan.

Click for more

FSP AGM and April City Meeting with open mic

Monday, 12th April, 2021
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

This month’s City Meeting will begin with our AGM at 6:15pm. See the Agenda below. There are openings for positions on the Management Committee. If you would like to nominate, follow the instructions on the Agenda. You must be a current financial member of FSP to take part in the AGM.

Following the AGM, there will be an Open Mic .

$5 to read, free to listen.

We are still required to follow a COVID-19 safety plan, which includes social distancing with a corresponding impact on the total number of people who can attend the meeting.… Click for more

FSP November City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 2nd November, 2020
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

We are required to follow a COVID-19 safety plan, which includes social distancing with a corresponding impact on the total number of people who can attend the meeting. This means that a maximum of 37 people can attend. Therefore…

• You need to fill in the following Expression of Interest Form before you attend. This will make life easier for everyone. 

• If you have not registered your intention to attend in advance, you may not be allowed to attend on the night.… Click for more

FSP City Readings and Open Mic to resume in August… confirmed!

After the long close down due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are now in a position to hold an Open Mic reading at the Box Factory on Monday 3rd August 2020.

Monday, 3rd August, 2020
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000.

To hold the meeting, we will be required to follow a COVID-19 safety plan, which includes social distancing with a corresponding impact on the total number of people who can attend the meeting. This means that a maximum of 40 people can attend. Therefore…

• You need to fill in the following Expression of Interest Form before you attend.… Click for more

A Note from the Treasurer

Friendly Street Poets financially strong despite COVID-19

I hope all members are keeping well during our suspension of monthly meetings. Remember that not all activities are suspended and, in particular, you can submit via the website HERE to have poems considered by the editors for inclusion in the FSP Anthology #45.

The shutdown is having an effect on FSP’s financial situation, but we remain strong. With no monthly First-Monday meetings, we are, of course, not collecting door entries. These add up to 15-20% of annual revenue, so they are important. We are likely to miss out on these for most of this year.  … Click for more

FSP meetings and the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic

The next city meeting of FSP was due for Monday 6th April and was to include the AGM and launch of the latest FSP Anthology. Because of the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic and the conditions required to mitigate its spread, this meeting will not be held. 

We are looking at ways of running a minimal AGM on-line to meet our statuary requirements. 

It is totally unknown at the moment when it will be safe to have face-to-face meetings again.

Stay tuned for more details soon … and keep healthy!

Meanwhile, keep your submissions for New Poets 21 coming in. Click here for the link.