FSP February City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 7th February, 2022
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet. 

Current COVID-19 guidelines (unless they change) allow us up to 37 people in the venue and you must pre-register you intention to attend via the form below.

You also must sign in – via QR code or handwriting – when you arrive.

Add your name to the reading list on the night if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two copies of your poems for the current editors if you want those considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below straight after the night.… Click for more

Poem of the Month – December 2021: Overture for Winter by David Cookson

Congratulations to David Cookson, winner, November 2021 Poem of the Month, as selected by 2021 FSP Anthology editors, Louise Nicholas and Judy Dally.

And a reminder… any last submissions of poems read during the year at any of Friendly Street’s reading opportunities must be received by December 31, 2021, to be considered for inclusion in the next anthology. You should use the on-line submission form via the following link:

Overture for Winter by David Cookson

The breeze grows claws,
rakes the ocean with a colder green. 
Sun from a Turner seascape
battles with shadows as I trudge home 
beneath hangdog casuarinas,
my hair matted by salt spray.… Click for more

FSP December City Meeting: Anthology 45 Launch

Monday, 6th December, 2021
doors from 6:00pm for 6:30pm start.

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

Our December meeting will launch the FSP Anthology #45 featuring poems read by FSP members during the previous year.

One of Adelaide’s finest poets, Thom Sullivan, will formally launch the volume and announce the winners of the Satura and Nova prizes.

Contributors to the Anthology will be invited to read their selected poems. If time permits, there may be an Open Mic.

Books will be available for sale on the night for $20 each.

$5 to read.

The event will be held under COVID-Safe conditions: you will need to check in with via the QR code or sign-in, and wear a mask when not reading.

FSP November City Meeting and Open Mic

Monday, 1st November, 2021
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

$5 to read. 3 minutes per poet. 

Current COVID-19 guidelines (unless they change) allow us up to 72 people and we’re ready to hear your poetry. 

You just sign in – via QR code or handwriting – and then add your name to the reading list if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two copies of your poems for the current editors if you want those considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below straight after the night.

Click for more

Poem of the Month – September 2021: After the Cremation by Martha Landman

Congratulations to Martha Landman, winner, September 2021 Poem of the Month, as selected by 2021 FSP Anthology editors Louise Nicholas and Judy Dally.

After the Cremation
by Martha Landman

I polish the copperplate, sing laments to your ashes
until the earth questions the rain, persecuting it
for the myth of peaceful words in a lifeless land.
I’m an empty-handed sailor in a foreign port.
We converse in sign language. I tell your ashes
the nut trees are dry, the pump is broken, the ostrich
next door had two chicks.  I tell them there are days
when even the sea is quiet, unfamiliar with its own undercurrent.… Click for more

Poem of the Month – July 2021: Like, Shakespeare by Gordon McPherson

Congratulations to Gordon McPherson, winner, July 2021 Poem of the Month, as selected by 2021 FSP Anthology editors Louise Nicholas and Judy Dally.

Like, Shakespeare…
by Gordon McPherson

We’re doing Hamlet,
and there’s this dude
called Yorick,
and like, that’s a real name,
so incredulity,
and he’s standing in a grave,
and I’m like, eeeyuuuuw!
and this gross out skull
like in NCIS,
how unsanitation!
and Hamlet
he’s a prince,
and he’s telling Yorick
he’s a lass
and half my head
goes all magic pie 
and the blackbirds
and WTF? 
and the other half
is all mega brill
and clownspray and LOL
and I’m all, like,
where’s the remote?… Click for more