FSP June City Meeting and Open Mic

The next FSP City Meeting and Open Mic is on

Monday 4th June 2018

The Box Factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide.

Sign-in from 6:00pm for a 6:20pm start. Second session starts around 7:30pm.

$5 to read; free to just come and listen.

There is a strict time limit of 3 minutes per reader. This ensures everyone gets a fair go and an opportunity to read to an audience!

Bring two copies of your poems if you’d like to submit them to the next Anthology. Make sure your poems have your name, email and phone number on the back of the page, otherwise they will not be considered.… Click for more

FSP February 2018 City Meeting & Open Mic at the Box Factory

Monday, 5 February, 2018

The Box Factory

59 Regent Street, Adelaide, SA 5000.

Welcome to our first City Meeting of 2018!

Doors open at 6:00 pm for sign-in.
First session starts at 6:20 pm; second session at about 7:45 pm.

$5 entry.

Strict maximum of 3 minutes per reader.

Bring two copies of your poems if you’d like to submit them to the next Anthology. Make sure your poems have your name, email and phone number on the back of the page, otherwise they will not be considered. You must be a member of FSP for your poems to be included in the Anthology.… Click for more

FSP December City Meeting & Open Mic at The Box Factory

Monday, 4 December, 2017

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide

This is the last city meeting for 2017, so it’s also your last chance to submit poems for the next Anthology.

Doors open at 6:00 pm for sign-in. $5 entry.

First session starts at 6:20 pm; second session at about 7:45 pm.Bring two copies of your poems if you’d like to submit them to the next Anthology. Make sure your poems have your name, email and phone number on the back of the page, otherwise they will not be considered. You must be a member of FSP for your poems to be included in the Anthology.… Click for more

FSP Featured Poets at Halifax Cafe: November Special Event!

This is the final FSP Featured Poets at Halifax Cafe session for 2017.

So we have a special treat for you: four fabulous poets, including two visitors from Melbourne, Peter Bakowski  and Dominique Hecq!

Wednesday 29th November, 6:00 – 7:30pm

Halifax Cafe, 187 Halifax St, Adelaide.

As usual, the Halifax Cafe will be open for food, beverages and a welcoming atmosphere, so come early, stay late!

$5 entry supports the poets.

Peter Bakowski

fell in love with the map of the world at the age of six. Peter has been writer-in-residence in Rome, Paris, Macau, Suzhou (China), Battery Point, Tasmania; Greenmount, Western Australia and at the Broken Hill Writers Festival.Click for more