FSP Featured Poets at Halifax Cafe in July: Rachael Mead, Manal Younus, Aidan Coleman
Join us for another night of fabulous poetry, food and company at the Halifax Cafe, featuring three of Adelaide’s leading poets…
Wednesday, 25th July, 6:00-7:30pm.
Halifax Cafe
187 Halifax St, Adelaide
$5 at the door to support the poets.
Come early, stay late, enjoy the fine food and beverages at the Halifax Cafe.
Rachael Mead is a poet, short story writer, arts reviewer, writing mentor and bookseller living in South Australia. She has an Honours degree in Classical Archaeology, a Masters in Environmental Studies and a PhD in Creative Writing. Her poetry collections include The Flaw in the Pattern(UWAP 2018),The Sixth Creek(Picaro Press 2013) and two chapbooks.… Click for more