FSP Featured Poets at Halifax Cafe in July: Rachael Mead, Manal Younus, Aidan Coleman


Join us for another night of fabulous poetry, food and company at the Halifax Cafe, featuring three of Adelaide’s leading poets…

Wednesday, 25th July, 6:00-7:30pm.

Halifax Cafe
187 Halifax St, Adelaide

$5 at the door to support the poets.

Come early, stay late, enjoy the fine food and beverages at the Halifax Cafe.


Rachael Mead is a poet, short story writer, arts reviewer, writing mentor and bookseller living in South Australia. She has an Honours degree in Classical Archaeology, a Masters in Environmental Studies and a PhD in Creative Writing. Her poetry collections include The Flaw in the Pattern(UWAP 2018),The Sixth Creek(Picaro Press 2013) and two chapbooks.Click for more

FSP July City Meeting and Open Mic

The next FSP City Meeting and Open Mic is on

Monday 2nd July 2018

The Box Factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide.

Sign-in from 6:00pm for a 6:20pm start. Second session starts around 7:30pm.

$5 to read; free to just come and listen.

There is a strict time limit of 3 minutes per reader. This ensures everyone gets a fair go and an opportunity to read to an audience!

Bring two copies of your poems if you’d like to submit them to the next Anthology. Make sure your poems have your name, email and phone number on the back of the page, otherwise they will not be considered.… Click for more

Update: Kathryn Hummel and Steve Brock at Halifax Cafe in June.

This month we have the inimitable Steve Brock and the fabulous Kathryn Hummel reading.

Halifax Cafe, 187 Halifax St, Adelaide.

Wednesday, 27th June 2018, 6:00 – 7:30pm.

$5 at the door: all proceeds go to the poets.

The Halifax Cafe will be open for dinner and refreshments, so come early, stay late, enjoy the poetry and fine food.

Kathryn Hummel is a writer, researcher and author of four books of poems—Lamentville, her fifth, is forthcoming with Singapore’s Math Paper Press. Earlier this year, Kathryn’s work was shortlisted for Overland’s Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize. Around the same time, she attended the CRACK International Art Camp in Kushtia, Bangladesh, as an artist-in-residence.… Click for more

FSP Featured Poets @ Halifax Cafe: Ali Cobby Eckermann and Mike Ladd

The FSP Featured Poets @ Halifax Cafe series returns for 2018 with two of the State’s finest and most recognised poets: Ali Cobby Eckermann and Mike Ladd.

Halifax Cafe
187 Halifax St, Adelaide

Wednesday, 30th May, 2018
6:00 – 7:30 pm.

Halifax Cafe will be open for fine food, beverages and refreshments. So come early, stay late, eat out with poets and friends.

$5 door charge to pay the poets.

Ali Cobby Eckermann’s first collection little bit long time was written in the desert and launched her literary career in 2009. In 2013, Ali toured Ireland as Australian Poetry Ambassador and won the Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry and Book Of The Year (NSW) for Ruby Moonlight, a massacre verse novel.… Click for more

FSP June City Meeting and Open Mic

The next FSP City Meeting and Open Mic is on

Monday 4th June 2018

The Box Factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide.

Sign-in from 6:00pm for a 6:20pm start. Second session starts around 7:30pm.

$5 to read; free to just come and listen.

There is a strict time limit of 3 minutes per reader. This ensures everyone gets a fair go and an opportunity to read to an audience!

Bring two copies of your poems if you’d like to submit them to the next Anthology. Make sure your poems have your name, email and phone number on the back of the page, otherwise they will not be considered.… Click for more