FSP August City Meeting: Anthology 46 launch and open mic

Monday, 1st August, 2022
from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

We will be very pleased to launch the FSP Anthology 46, edited by Louise Nicholas and Judy Dally. Judge Jude Aquilina will announce the winners of the Nova and Satura Prizes.

FSP members with poems in the Anthology will be invited to read their selection.

Following the launch, there will be an Open Mic as usual for those who have not read already. Add your name to the reading list on the night if you want a turn at the mic. Bring two printed copies of your poems with your name and contact details if you want them considered for next year’s anthology, or submit them electronically via the form below after the session.… Click for more

Order our latest FSP publications on-line

You can now order the latest publications from FSP on-line using the form below. Please note that we do not have the capability for on-line payments so you need to do an electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Using this form you can order:
Q: FSP Anthology 46
Lament by Michele St. Yves
New Poets 22 by Veronica Cookson, Rob Ferris & Susan O’Brien.

All books are $20 each plus postage.

If there are other specific titles you are after, please make a request in the “Special Instructions” section of the form. We will set-up links for some other titles still in stock soon.… Click for more

Announcing the editors for 2022 FSP Anthology 47

We are very pleased to announce the editing team for the 2022 Friendly Street Poets Anthology. 

Veronica and David Cookson will be handling the Creative Editing, selecting material for publication (including Poem of the Month) from work read each month at the Box Factory and events at affiliated venues.

Margaret Clark will continue as Production Editor, working with Veronica and David in the later stages of preparing the book.

The FSP Committee welcomes all of them and their coming contributions to putting together Anthology No. 47, part of our longstanding and proud tradition of supporting South Australian poets.

In the meantime, you can expect news shortly about the launch of the 2021 Friendly Street Poets Anthology No.Click for more

Friendly Street Anthology 45 Prizes

Two poems from each volume of the Friendly Street Poets annual anthology are selected for special commendation. The following notes from the judge for Anthology 45, Thom Sullivan, explain, and the poems themselves are featured for your reading pleasure. 

From THE REPORT OF THE JUDGE – Thom Sullivan

As to the Satura Prize, awarded to the author of the best poem in each Friendly Street anthology, the poems that gave me most pause for thought were Maria Vouis’ Woman is the Cow of the World, Belinda Broughton’s Changing Colours, and Phil Saunders’ Burnt. But the poem that was the standout for me, and the winner of the Prize, was Maria Vouis’ Sepia apama: a poem full of colour and chaos, music and metaphor, glorifying the cuttlefish.… Click for more

FSP December City Meeting: Anthology 45 Launch

Monday, 6th December, 2021
doors from 6:00pm for 6:30pm start.

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA 5000

Our December meeting will launch the FSP Anthology #45 featuring poems read by FSP members during the previous year.

One of Adelaide’s finest poets, Thom Sullivan, will formally launch the volume and announce the winners of the Satura and Nova prizes.

Contributors to the Anthology will be invited to read their selected poems. If time permits, there may be an Open Mic.

Books will be available for sale on the night for $20 each.

$5 to read.

The event will be held under COVID-Safe conditions: you will need to check in with via the QR code or sign-in, and wear a mask when not reading.

FSP Anthology 2021 submission guidelines and editors

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 FSP Anthology 46 will be edited by Louise Nicholas and Judy Dally.

In order for your poems to be considered for publication in the anthology, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • You MUST be a 2021 financial member of Friendly Street Poets.
  • Your submission MUST have been read at an FSP Open Mic meeting in 2021.
  • There is a 3-minute reading time total per submission, regardless of number of poems. 
  • All poems submitted on-line must be in one document in MS Word (.doc or .docx).
  • The name of this document should be your surname, initials & the number of poems submitted: e.g., 
Click for more