FSP June City Meeting: Anthology #41 Launch

The June FSP City Meeting will launch the

 FSP Anthology 41: Worlds in Words

edited by Edie Eicas and David Harris.

at the Box Factory  on Monday 12th June.

Doors open at 6:00 pm.

This is the biggest anthology FSP has ever produced! Winners of the Nova & Satura Prizes will be announced. The prize winners and poets invited by the Editors, Edie Eicas & David Harris, will read as part of the evening events.

Copies of the new Anthology will be on sale for $20 before & after the launch activities.

Please BYO a plate & stay to enjoy conversation & nibblies afterwards.… Click for more

FSP Meetings at the Box Factory in 2017

Thank you everyone who took part in the survey to determine the best time to have FSP City Open Mic meetings at the Box Factory. We ended up with 49 responses, which is a really good rate of return. Most of you are pretty flexible, but the strongest preference was for the 1st Monday of the month, notwithstanding the occasional public holiday then.

Therefore, the remaining 2017 City Meetings at the Box Factory will be on:

Monday 3rd April

Monday 1st May

Monday 12th June (2nd Monday, the 1st is already booked)

Monday 3rd July

Monday 7th August

Monday 4th September

Monday 9th October (2nd Monday, the 1st is the long weekend)

Monday 6th November

Monday 4th December.Click for more

FSP November City Meeting & Open Mic: 8th November @ Harry’s Bar, Grenfell St

Please note the different date & venue!!

Harry’s Bar, 12 Grenfell, St, Adelaide

Tuesday 8th November, 2016

Harry’s Bar is one of the potential new venues for FSP City meetings.

The meeting will be on the 8th November to avoid a clash with Melbourne Cup Day festivities…

Come along, see what it’s like, give your opinion.

The venue will be set-up cabaret style with chairs around tables. Take the lift or stairs to the upper floor.

All welcome to read or just listen.

Open mic, 3 minutes per reader. All members’ poems are eligible for publication in the next annual anthology.… Click for more

Poem of the Month, July 2016: “Gale” by Susan O’Brien


The roistering gale from the West
shrieks round building walls
and summons sheet metal thunder
from the rain water tanks
We are besieged by sound.

Trees on the far ridge whip and flail,
drunken cheer leaders against shredding sky,
hailstone missiles streak
through horizontal rain

I more deeply understand
the welcome swallows’ nest:
under the widest eave,
plastered to the wall
even now
it is safe in the wind shadow

Startled out of sleep at three a.m.
we pull on clothes
in case, in case….
but our house too holds steady
there is no need to flee
into the maelstrom…

Sleep again overtakes us

At first light the silence shocks:
survivors are stunned but standing
the fallen indeed are fallen
and sadly, amongst their silent ranks
our Number One Yacca is down

Here before white settlement
prized for food and tinder
for weapons and glue
survivor of roaring bush fires –
resin rubies shining
between charred leaf bases,
this one legged ancient
finally felled
by the blow and suck of air.… Click for more

FSP City Meeting & Open Mic: Tuesday 4th October, 2016

All welcome! Come along and read or just listen.

Open mic, 3 minutes per reader. All members’ poems are eligible for publication in the next annual anthology.

South Australian Writers’ Centre Atrium, Tuesday 4th October, 2016.

Doors open at 6:00 pm to sign up for readings in two sessions.

First session: 6:30 – 7:30 pm; Second session: approx. 8:00 – 9:30 pm.

$5 entry. If you’re not a member, join up on the night.

Remember that if you are not a paid up member, you’ll drop off the FSP email list and you will not be eligible for inclusion in the annual anthology.… Click for more

Gala Launch of Anthology #40 – Nova and Satura Prize winners

Front Cover of Anthology

The FSP June City Meeting was devoted to the launch of Friendly Street Poets Anthology 40 “Many Eyes, Many Voices” edited by Murray Alfredson and Margaret Clark and launched by FSP founding member, Richard Tipping.


The Nova Prize for best poem by a poet not previously published in an FSP anthology went to Bruce Greenhalgh for his poem, in the wake of  e e cummings.

The Satura Prize for best poem in the anthology went to Eileen Barker for her poem Courage.