New Poets 21 now available

FSP New Poets 21 featuring collections of poems by Mark Ritchie, Tarla Kramer, and Doug Jacquier is now available for purchase. Get a copy for $20 at any FSP meeting or order a copy on-line via the form below.

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New Poets 21 launch

Monday, 26th October, 2020.

The Box Factory
59 Regent St, Adelaide, SA, 5000.

FSP is excited to announce the winners of the New Poets 21 competition, as judged by Kaye Aldenhoven, and launch their poetry collections in this new publication from FSP. Kaye will be flying in from Darwin especially for the event.

According to our COVID-Safe plan, up to 27 people can register to attend and celebrate with the New Poets and their personal guests, and to be among the first to purchase a copy of the book. New Poets 21 will also be available to buy online immediately it has been launched.… Click for more

FSP Anthology 44 Launch & Open Mic – UPDATE

FSP Anthology 44 “Kaleidoscope“, edited by Valerie Volk and Nigel Ford, will be launched on:

Monday, 7th September, 2020
Doors open from 6:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent Street, Adelaide

Thank you to all the people who have pre-registered their intent to come. We have now reached the maximum number of allowed attendees. Therefore:

•• We are no longer accepting preregistrations.
•• If you turn up on the night, and you have not pre-registered, you may not be admitted to the meeting if we have already reached, or are likely to reach, our permitted maximum number of attendees.… Click for more

New Poets 21 winners announced

The Friendly Street New Poets series of books has been the launching pad for many well-recognised and successful poets in SA who have gone on to make wonderful contributions to poetry here in Australia and overseas. Nineteen submissions were received for the New Poets 21 competition this year, six more than last year, which is pleasing to see in this time of limited poetry opportunity.

The judge for this competition was Kaye Aldenhoven, an Adelaide born, Darwin based writer and poet with 3 books of poetry published. Kaye has been shortlisted for prose and poetry multiple times in the NT Literature Awards and won 2 Red Earth Poetry Awards.… Click for more

Friendly Street Poets New Poets 20 & Single Poet Books Launch

Monday, 25th November, 2019
6:00pm – 9:00pm

The Box Factory
59 Regent Strett, Adelaide, SA 5000

FSP is proud to launch the latest collections by the winning poets in the New Poets and Single Poet Competitions:

Single Poet winner: Ben Adams‘ first full collection of poetry, A Synonym For Sobriety.

New Poets 20 winners: Alys Jackson‘s Wolf Ghosts, Sharon FoulkesFinding Their Voices and Julia Wakefield‘s Shifting Viewpoints.

Please come along, help celebrate the success by these emerging poets whose names have joined a wonderful list of past winners and hear them read some poems from their successful manuscripts.… Click for more

Elaine Barker Book Launch

Elaine Barker has published her fourth collection of poetry See My Feathered Fingers which will be launched by Nicholas Jose.

Tuesday 25th June 2019
6:00pm for 6:30pm

Royal South Australian Society of Arts,
Level 1, Institute Building,
corner of North Terrace and Kintore Avenue, Adelaide.

All welcome. Lift access is available.